Entrepreneurs: Does This Describe You?

  • You have spent years in the corporate world and are ready to be your own boss.
  • You have been a Stay at Home Mom and are looking for an income source.
  • You are ready to discover your true passion and turn it into a lucrative business.
  • Are you thinking of returning to work after being home with the kids?
  • You want to contribute your “intellectual capital” to the workforce on a part-time basis but do not know where to start.
  • Are you worried about how you can work and still be able to spend the time you want with your children?

Are You Ready To Take Action To:

  • Discover your true values and passion and design a new life?
  • Have more energy and excitement about your daily routine?
  • Feel balanced and satisfied with your choices?
  • Have more time for yourself, your family and other things that you choose to do while starting/running your own business?
  • Create a clear vision for what you want your life to be for you and for your family?
  • Get rid of the guilt forever!

I Can Help!

Through coaching we work to help you to re-define yourself and choose your desired role in your family and society. We think outside of the box to develop a business based upon your passions that you are thinking like an entrepreneur; or help you to re-enter the workforce in unconventional ways. We partner together to create time for yourself and your personal growth and help you to get the support you need from your family.

As a start-up mom myself, I know first hand about the amazing results that can come from coaching.

  • I am busier, but happier.
  • I am more organized and have the time to do things that I want to do.
  • I am clear about what I value and I choose to live a life congruent with my values.
  • I have a clear vision for my future and for my family and I am able to enjoy the journey.
  • I am energized by my work.
  • I enjoy my children more.
  • My whole family is happier and we have more FUN!

Contact me today for a FREE, No Obligation, Entrepreneur’s Discovery Session!

In this session, you will gain a clearer picture of what you really want for your life and business and define some realistic action steps to get there!