Workshops and Intensives

I offer a series of workshops and intensives.  These programs come in a variety of lengths and are very interactive and designed to engage adult learners.  All programs are delivered using accelerated learning techniques to produce the greatest results in the least amount of time

General topics are listed below. For more workshops and intensives, customization, or to address your specific needs, please contact me.

Personal (or Professional) Mastery Series
This series of workshops also serve as stand-alone workshops ranging from 45min to 3hrs.  I offer both a personal and corporate version of each of these workshops.  Contact me if you are outside of the Chicagoland area as these workshops can also be presented via webinar!

Discovering Your True Personal Values
Values are our deeply held views of what is truly important. They are a person’s driving force and influence our actions and reactions. They come from many sources: parents, religion, schools, peers life experiences and culture.  Many go back to childhood; others we take on as adults.  Our values point to our core strengths; when we are engaged in activities that are congruent with our personal values, we feel connected, excited, effortless and confident.  Often our true values lie just below the surface of our awareness, overshadowed by all of the things we believe we “should” be doing.
Knowing your values helps you:

•Define a clear vision for your future. You’re less likely to take the easy way out or chase after short-term gains at the expense of your long-term goals.
•Make good decisions. You quickly know what are good choices for you and what are not.
•Improve leadership. Personal integrity and authenticity are two characteristics that emerge from knowing one’s core values.
•Be happier. Living a life aligned with your core values, lessens stress and increases confidence, satisfaction and energy.

In this interactive workshop you will gain clarity on your top values and learn a simple plan to bring them to the forefront in every area of your life!

Values in the Workplace
Knowing your personal values will benefit your job/business:

Having a clear set of personal values helps us build the credibility and trust that facilitate leadership.  The most challenging times for leaders are times when they must lead others into “the unknown”, leading innovation, and managing change.  Leaders who are clear on their values are able to persuade their followers to take a leap of faith and follow them into the unknown.   We are more inclined to trust people when we understand their values, and observe that their actions are congruent with those values, because we can reliably predict how they will act.
Clear personal principles give us a much stronger sense of our    personal “bottom line.” Knowing where we stand clarifies what we won’t sit still for. Our self-identity, self-confidence, and sense of security will be strengthened. Our principles will provide the stable and solid core we need to transform the rapid changes coming at us, from threats into opportunities.
Understanding one’s personal values is useful for time management.  Most of us have the opportunity–not to mention the encouragement–to do more things than we’ll ever have time to do.  Consequently, we need to wisely select the tasks that we’ll work on.  A clear picture of our personal values allows us to rank the tasks on our “to do” lists according to how closely each task is associated with what’s really important to us.
Strengths Discovery Session-

this is an active and fun program that requires about an hour and can be adapted for any size group.

Results Analysis of MBTI, FIRO-B, DISC, Kiersey, Strengthsfinder, etc.
Have you done these assesments through your work and never really done anything with the results?  I will teach you to use results from these assessments to maximize their impact for yourself, your team or your group.  If the group is small and people bring their results with them, individualized information can be given.

Discover the Energy of Success (it’s closer than you think!)

If You Could Spend One Hour with the One Person Who Holds the Power to Dramatically Shift YOUR LIFE From FINE to FANTASTIC…And, This Person Knew How to…

Live stress free
Inspire themselves and others
Overcome obstacles
Be a leader
Tap into their inner genius
And achieve success (in whatever ways they define it!)
How Ready Would You Be to Meet this Person?

Let us introduce you to…
The Potential You!
Come and learn about the Energy of Success.  In just one hour, you will see the world differently—opportunities will be more apparent… things that others do (spouses, children, co-workers, etc) will bother you less.  You will know the secret to creating more energy for everything in your life!

Coffee Talk
This is a casual program, where the topic open to whatever the group is most interested in.  Often group members want to hear more about what coaching is and what it can do for them. Activities are included so that everyone walks away with something valuable and relevant to their lives. This is best for smaller groups (under 10) so that everyone can participate.

Discover YOUR True Passion
(the answer may surprise you!)

Moms Work/Life/SELF Balance Analysis
For working moms, this is an opportunity to take a look at where you are spending your time vs where you want to be spending your time. Individual attention is given to help participants define a path toward balance.